Performance by Region


Aligning corporate values with personal values is recognized by TITAN America as a top priority. Accordingly, the TITAN America Leadership program (TAL), a values-centered leadership development program, is implemented systematically over the last six years. Cultural Assimilation, Business Ethics, Self Awareness/Self Development and Team Initiation and Building are the main topics of this program. The most important aspect of this program, though, is that it is delivered by senior company executives and it is led by TITAN America CEO.

TAL is highly interactive among participants, with the objective of provoking thought, emotion and learning from each other. Each employee brings his/her own personal experiences and touch into the program, while helping individuals to open leads to a two-way learning and development. Moreover, the program is holistic, going beyond the work boundary into personal, family and social issues. It aims to connect beyond the physical and mental level to the emotional and subconscious level, since many of its topics are important areas that are rarely discussed under the pressure of every day work.

Another objective of this program is to underline that work is not just a way for earning a living, but the path towards a more purposeful life, so as to increase employee satisfaction and engagement.

Values seminar programs are also held for labor workers in TITAN America Mid-Atlantic region operations as well as several locations at Florida Business Units. For the realization of the program top management from each unit are serving as facilitators of the program.

TITAN America was awarded for this program with the Champions of Learning Awards in South Florida during the 7th Annual American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) Best Practices.