Performance by Region

Compare to Report 2010
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Business Activity

The region of Southeastern Europe achieved solid performance in 2011. The recovery in the region’s economies began to have a positive impact on construction activity. Cement sales volumes posted a slight increase, while the ready-mix business grew significantly. Intensified competition and increases in fuel prices, however, affected profit margins. Turnover increased by 2% reaching €241 million, while EBITDA declined by 1% to €86 million.


Social Performance

2011 was a mixed year with regard to health and safety results: TITAN’s SEE plants performed very well, as a result of the extensive training and focus of recent years; almost all statistics improved and most plants had an LTI free period. Some plants, like Zlatna Panega in Bulgaria, achieved impressive results (more than two years without LTIs) while all others performed competitively.

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Environmental Performance 

New Processed Engineered Fuel installation (Zlatna Panega cement plant, Bulgaria)
In mid-2011, the Zlatna Panega cement plant commissioned its new installation for alternative fuels. In July, testing of the shredding equipment was performed and in August the first energy recovery from the new alternative fuels was successfully accomplished.

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Biomass project (Zlatna Panega cement plant, Bulgaria)
In the spring of 2010, the Zlatna Panega cement plant, in collaboration with the Bulgarian Science Academy, selected and planted experimentally five types of fast-growing species (two grass species and three tree species) or “Energy Crops”.

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ESIA and quarry rehabilitation in Antea (Antea cement plant, Albania)
To be fully effective, rehabilitation planning should begin as early as possible in the quarry life cycle and be reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis.

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Hydrogeological Study of Burizane Aquifer - Sustainable Groundwater Management for Antea plant
The Antea “hydro-drilling” project was initiated in 2007, with the target to de- velop water wells for supplying water to cover the needs of the new Antea cement Plant in Albania.

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Biodiversity Study in Usje Marl lakes – Award (Usje cement plant, F.Y.R. of Macedonia)
In October 2011, Cementarnica Usje was awarded the first prize in the National Competition for Corporate Social Responsibility in the category “Environment”.

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Granting Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) permits (Kosjeric cement plant, Serbia and Usje cement plant, F.Y.R. of Macedonia)Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC)  is a licensing regime for certain types of industrial activities, including cement production. The purpose of the process is, through an integrated approach (one permit), to...

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