
Compare to report 2010

As a core member of the Cement Sustainability Initiative, launched by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), TITAN has focused since 2003 on the implementation of the commonly agreed “Agenda for Action”.

Since 2006, environmental and safety targets at both Group and local level have been set for all TITAN cement activities, with external verification of performance starting in 2007. By 2010 all wholly owned TITAN operations were included in the scope of this assessment, performed annually. In 2012 TITAN has taken over the co-chairing of the CSI, along with two other core members, paving and leading the way for strategic initiatives. ΤΙΤΑΝ joins forces with other cement producers in most of the CSI working groups established for each key challenge, by involving specialist resources on the corporate level. The focus is on the full incorporation of CSI tools and guidelines in the agenda for operations on Group level, systematic work towards adopting and disseminating best practices within the company, and aiming at continuous improvement and the management of change.

In this direction, TITAN also co-chairs with another core member the “Biodiversity and Land Stewardship” Taskforce of the CSI.

In 2011, new Guidelines on Quarry Rehabilitation  were published. In order to deliver a well-balanced document and promote transparency, the CSI solicited input from a wide range of external reviewers (including IUCN, WWF, GIZ, IFC, EBRD) throughout the drafting process. The views of external stakeholders were discussed openly and extensively, in order to adopt and incorporate as many relevant views as possible. To quote the CSI Director: “We firmly believe that the benefits to the natural environment and local communities of progressive and pragmatic quarry rehabilitation outweigh the long-term rehabilitation costs to the cement companies”.