

Social and Environmental Risk Assessment

TITAN Group has early recognized that integrating social and environmental risk assessment in management of operations and decision making is an important factor for meeting its social and environmental endeavors. As reported in 2010, a project was commenced and executed in 2011 targeted to the overall improvement of health, safety and environmental risk mapping and assessment.

The project was assigned to one of the world’s leading consultancy companies and was built on an existing tool used internally for auditing the environmental performance of cement plants.

The tool has been customized so as to serve the following objectives:

  • identify risks for each activity and operation,
  • benchmark performance of each activity against specific indicators,
  • support effective action planning from site level up to company and Group level.

Throughout the year, pilot testing of the new tool has taken place in Thes­saloniki (Greece), Antea (Albania) and Usje (F.Y.R. of Macedonia).