Helping business lead by example
Participation in Global Compact, CSR and Sustainability Networks
Global Compact | Group level |
Greece | |
F.Y.R. of Macedonia | |
Egypt | |
WBCSD/CSI | Group level |
Greece | |
Joint Sustainability Initiative | U.S.A. |
CSR Europe | Group level |
CSR Networking | Greece |
Kosovo |
“UNEP is expected to play a most significant role in advancing sustainability in the next five years, followed by WBCSD and WWF”,
The Sustainability Survey, 2011.
As commitment to sustainability values is becoming more and more widespread, and confidence between society and governments continues to erode, corporate and institutional, as well as academic, experts have expressed optimism about the WBCSD’s role in advancing sustainability. This was underlined by a relevant survey conducted by SustainAbility in the U.K., based on the feedback from qualified sustainability experts worldwide.
The WBCSD, a CEO-led, global coalition of some 200 forward-thinking companies, advocates progress on sustainable development and seeks to be a catalyst for innovation and sustainable growth in a world where resources are increasingly limited. In this context, the WBCSD Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) is a unique, global effort by 23 leading cement producers, with operations in more than 100 countries, ranging in size from very large multinationals to smaller local producers.
After ten years of collective action the CSI is now focusing on understanding, managing and minimizing the impacts of cement production and use by addressing a range of prevailing issues, including:
- protecting employee health and safety,
- addressing climate change and mitigating global warming,
- using raw materials and fuels efficiently,
- reducing air emissions,
- managing biodiversity and quarry rehabilitation,
- managing water consumption and use,
- further improving concrete sustainability.
The effectiveness of collaborative action becomes more visible as the membership expands. New CSI-led taskforces are operating in China, with a view to inculcating and institutionalizing principles and good practices in CSI member companies in this rapidly developing market.
U.N. Conference on Environment and Development “Rio+20”
Twenty years after the first Rio summit, world leaders will meet again to renew their commitment to sustainable development and effective engagement of the private sector. Rio+20 will be critical for climate change and the challenges related to environmental protection.
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio+20), to be held in Rio on June 20-22 2012, promises to be a unique opportunity to strengthen public-private collaboration needed to advance sustainability on a massive scale.
The Business Action for Sustainable Development 2012 (BASD), is a joined effort of the UNGC, ICC and WBCSD aiming at coordinating the participation of the private sector at Rio+20.
BASD submitted specific recommendations with the “Zero Draft” document, forming the basis for the current negotiations between the member countries.
The TITAN Group has been engaged in this process both as a co-leader of the CSI, which is also member of the BASD, and as a UNGC member company. Moreover, TITAN has appointed the TITAN America CEO, to represent the Group in Rio and take part in the discussions related to the industry’s position on climate change.