Stakeholder Engagement


Stakeholder Engagement

Compare to Report 2010

Since 2007, TITAN is developing gradually an integrated process for Stakeholder Engagement. Following international standards and best practice, this is a two-way process, aiming at both internal and external stakeholders.

The main principles directing identification of key stakeholders are: inclusivity, relevance to TITAN business and significance. The definition given by U.N. Global Compact regarding the “sphere of influence” guides the identification of all relevant groups at local, national and global levels.

From extending analysis of the outcomes of this process the last few years, it has become apparent that key stakeholder groups at local level might be different for TITAN operations, depending on the particular conditions, social and political from place to place.

Stakeholder engagement being a key element for continuous improvement, workshops and internal assessment audits are conducted every year in co-operation with local CSR Committees.

Feedback from stakeholders is requested in all communication events organized by TITAN through focused questionnaires, interviews, feedback cards. TITAN has also adopted stakeholder fora and panels to inspire a more systematic and open dialogue on specific topics, like com­munity development priorities in Kosovo and use of alternative fuels in Serbia.

In 2011, TITAN launched an extensive training program for all managers and supervisors from SEE&EM operations and Greece, while it seeks to expand this further so as to cover more employees at local and regional levels.

This program initiated the launching of local engagement plans aligned with key-priorities for TITAN business and different stakeholder groups, particularly employees, contractors and suppliers, communities and local authorities, governmental and non-governmental organizations.