< Egypt
Environmental activities at APCC (Alexandria cement plant, Egypt)
An ambitious environmental initiative for the residential area close to the Alexandria plant was launched in June 2011, on the occasion of World Environment Day. In partnership with the District Office, the plant set about improving the appearance of the main street in Wadi El-Kamar area. This involved painting the houses in the main street facing the plant the same colour, paving the main street to control the fugitive dust from the unpaved road, and planting trees in the surrounding area. At the end of the project, the plant received an appreciation certificate from the Administrator of Agamy district, acknowledging its valuable efforts. The Alexandria plant secured environmental approval for the renewal of the plant license after merge of line 5 with APCC in permanent license. The plant underwent an Environment Impact Assessment review by the Ministry of the Environment. Based on the environmental approval, the plant permit was issued by the Administrative Authority on 26.11.2011.