Managing the impact on the environment
As part of the constant endeavor to improve monitoring and reporting of environmental impact, full Environmental Management Systems (EMS) were developed and implemented at installations that were lacking such systems. The purpose of these systems is to organize more effectively all actions that are related to the protection of the environment
The existence of an EMS allows for:
- Detecting, at frequent intervals, environmental issues related to the operation of TITAN’s facilities, and planning the necessary actions to deal with them; observing requirements derived from environmental legislation and ensuring that they are fully applied.
- Training of directly and indirectly employed personnel in environmental issues.
- Implementing appropriate emergency plans to deal effectively with the consequences of emergency events and minimize their environmental impact.
- Managing the wastes produced by the facility, efficiently and in accordance with local legislation.
- Recording and dealing with complaints related to the environmental performance of the facility.
- Developing and implementing rehabilitation plans.
During 2011 the following facilities had their EMS certified according to international standard ISO 14001:
- BSF cement plant and attached quarries, Beni Suef, Egypt
- TKT cement plant and attached quarries, Artova, Tokat, Turkey
- TKT ready-mix unit, Artova, Tokat, Turkey
- Three ready-mix units, Rhodes, Greece.
Special Management Systems
Special standalone environmental management systems were developed to fulfill specific needs.
Monitoring and reporting air emissions is part of the Group’s effort to tackle its impact on the environment. Currently, 85% of TITAN’s cement plants have an environmental management system, ISO 14001 or equivalent. The Group is actively working on implementing such a system to the remaining facilities. Aligning with CSI recommendations, investment plans are in place to install continuous monitoring devices to cover main pollutants like dust, NOx and SOx at all cements plants by the next few years. In addition, an air emissions management system at Group level is currently under development with a target to have it in place by the end of 2012. This will make the monitoring and reporting scheme more robust.
CO2 emissions
In compliance with TITAN’s decision to comply to WBCSD/CSI principles on CO2 emissions, a management system was developed and implemented at the SharrCem cement plant, Kosovo. SharrCem is TITAN’s latest acquisition, that has become part of the Group in December, 2010.
Water management systems were developed for all cement plants, in agreement with the Group Target. The implementation is under way and the systems should be fully adopted into the current EMS of each plant before the end of 2012. For more details you can see Water management of this report.