Performance by Region


Cement and building materials industry plays an important role in a nation’s economic prosperity and security. TITAN America continues to make strides in sustainable development, balancing economics with environment and people. In line with this aim, TITAN focuses on compliance with all laws and regulations. However, TITAN America feels obliged to share know-how and expertise with both employees and key stakeholders so as to enhance better understanding of the interconnection between business and society.

To this end, TITAN is developing a strategy to raise awareness and become more involved at all levels of the political spectrum from local communities to the national front. TITAN hopes to engage all employees at every level of each business unit and corporate function. 

In 2011, a new web-based communication line was launched titled “Voice of TITAN America” ( ) as a  tool for communicating regulatory and legislative actions of importance to building materials industry.


Concrete Joint Sustainability Initiative - U.S.A.

Formed in the spring of 2009, the Concrete Joint Sustainability Initiative (CJSI) represents over 20 associations that, as a group, will concentrate on the sustainable development applications of all concrete structures. Among leading organizations in this initiative is the Portland Cement Association that is chaired by a TITAN representative.

Aiming at projecting a unified industry front, member task groups were created to develop and implement current program objectives. A Joint Declaration contains nine principles which are related to the social values of concrete structures. The Joint Declaration is summarized as follows:

Concrete structures are the core of our industry identity that include all vertical and horizontal applications and concrete products.

Concrete structures are at the center of an integrated approach to addressing industry challenges.

Proactively communicate and continuously enhance the social value of concrete structures.

Our integrated thinking will focus on the social values provided by concrete structures.

Review priorities and activities, coordinate to align respective programs and projects, and leverage on the particular strengths and expertise of each organization to pursue an integrated focus on concrete structures.

Persistently drive continuous improvement at component and integrated levels to enhance the social value of concrete structures.

Provide advocacy, technical and educational resources to enhance the use and convey the benefits of concrete structures to others.

Time is of the essence; we must pursue mechanisms and approaches that may diverge from business-as-usual for expedited results.

Maintain open channels to welcome, involve and engage all industry segments in becoming part of this direction.